Friday, May 25, 2007

Herbs, beer and boogers

I'm having a much deserved beer tonight. Ok, I lied. I'm having a much deserved 2nd beer tonight. I expect it might even be a 3 beer night. Today wasn't any worse than any other day. It just was



filled with the usual shit.

The boys pooped a billion times. I've been covered in so many bodily fluids lately that I'm completely immune to it. I have to remind myself that poo is dirty and I must wash my hands because I'm almost so desensitized by being covered in it. Now, THAT's messed up.

Here is a summation of today's fun: Waking at 4:00 a.m. to Evan yet again. Cry, cry, cry, fucking crying again. No reason. He's ready to be up. We're sure as hell not. Who wins? He does. The dude won't go back to sleep. Fuck all the experts. My babies are bad asses. They're not some little wusses you hear about that fall back to sleep after crying for 10-15 minutes. Nope. These dudes are hard core. So, Mr. Evan wins. He gets to sleep with Mommy in the guest bedroom so Daddy can get some fucking sleep so he can make money and feed his little punkass kids and, occasionally, me (though you wouldn't guess I don't eat much since I'm STILL trying to lose my insane pregnancy weight).

The most positive aspect of the day was a groovy visit from my Uncle Don. Neil loves him now that he knows that when Uncle Don comes he brings food Daddy doesn't want him to eat: Chicken strips and french fries. God love him. I have to admit that I like what he brings me: Fat wrapped in a bun - well, a burger and fries. Ok, so it's not helping me lose the weight but I need a little SOMETHING. Anyway, Uncle Don rules. My babies love him and so do I.

The rest of the day was feeding, tickling, kissing and harassing my little buggers. Evan's physical therapy was more of a focus today since the surgeon said his torticollis isn't resolving fast enough and he'll have to consider surgery if he doesn't improve in the next 3-4 months. (Evan was smushed in the womb by his twin, Dylan, so he has a shortened neck muscle that makes his head tilt to the left.) My mommy guilt is insane these days so I tried to stretch the little stubborn toot's neck every chance I had. He hates it so it's a lot of fun to do. Surgery would be totally sucky though and I'd feel like the world's worst mom if he has to have it.

Anyway, the rest of the day was "uneventful" in that nothing other than the usual crazy shit happened. I finally started reading some peak oil junk my hubby wants me to read. Ok, maybe Portland would be a great place to live. The question is: how the Hell do we get there with any money left over? Can we get there with my family's blessing/understanding? What about my need for REAL Tex-Mex? Will I go even more coo coo without sunshine?

The day ended with the twins getting a fabulous bath in our kitchen sink with their big brother harassing them and running madly away (as if they could get him if they tried) and Neil deciding I was his personal booger rag as he repeatedly blew his nose (while laughing) against my leg. Eeeuw. It's a damn good thing I'm gross and thought it was funny. I then promptly chased him around with the real booger rag as he fled with glea.

Now, I'm having a mature woman's moment. I'm having a break. I just read some info on growing herbs since I've started cultivating them in our greenhouse. I'm feeling all domestic and good. I just finished my beer and will be seeking the third and hope the boys go to sleep soon and sleep the whole entire night. We'll see. I may drink one more beer just to make the fantasy seem real.

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