Saturday, June 7, 2008


At times, I find myself feeling groundless and separated, floating in a psychological eddy, not sure where I will settle. Sometimes I don't mind the state of mind but other times, like now, I find it stressful and annoying. When I fight it, I think I only prolong it, like a dog circling his tail endlessly. Feeling that, since this is occurring in me, I then must fix it so I focus inward, nagging myself to death as I try to find my footing. As many times as I have done this, I almost always find relief only when I reach out to another: my husband, my parents or friends. Tonight, although I didn't realize I was doing it consciously, I found myself grounded after spending a very pleasant evening with a friend.

Having shared our youth together, then separated and then reconnected, I am comforted by our similarities, amused by our memories, and proud of what we both have managed to overcome at those difficult times in our lives. As grown women with full lives as wives, mothers, daughters, our young souls have evolved deeply and richly. Hours before, I was exhausted and anxious by my hectic life, but having spent an enjoyable few hours with her talking, I feel refreshed, energized and grateful that we are yet again in one another's company.

As my eyes droop and my body insists on sleep, I am content to settle into this restful state. Thank you.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

I'm so glad (and envious) that you were able to reconnect with an old friend. That can be so important to nurture our own souls. As moms we are so caught up in taking care of our kiddos and we forget ourselves.

This was a really nice post.