Friday, December 14, 2007

Blood Knuckles

My Mom put a funny spin on our current not-so-funny situation. You see, 2 out of 3 boys have pink eye. So lovely. Mom said that on Christmas Day we may be confused and think it's Easter since there may be so many little pink-eyed bunnies hopping around. Well put, Mom, well put.

Not only are a few eyes pink, my poor hands look so beaten up that I look like a professional boxer. Perhaps I should tape my knuckles and make myself look like a tough gal rather than appearing like a tired Mom with sick children at home. You see, if you don't have children, the reason my hands look awful is because I have to wash them and wash them and wash them and wash them and wash them. I don't think there is a lotion on the market that could soothe my poor cracked skin. It gets so bad my knuckles bleed which is, again, just lovely.

Just in time for the holidays, we have a virus or two parading through the children, waving its nasty flags of snot, vomit and ug. It's beautiful to behold. I'm hoping that this will all go away in the next day or two and then we'll all be virus free to enjoy the holidays. Since too much hope can lead to exceptional disappointment and since disappointment is rather unpleasant and all too frequent these days I'm trying to cope with what is going on and do the best that I can. Of course, I still stress out and worry that my boys will be sick on our ridiculously long drive (yes, we're driving) to Salt Lake City, UT, from Dallas, TX. If you didn't think I was insane before, you'll have the confirmation you needed because we're totally nutso.

Rather than visions of sugar plums, I'm having visions of barfing babes in car seats and tearful parents, racing as fast as we can to SLC without, of course, endangering our precious, vomiting babes. We'll see. Until then, I'll scrub my epidermis religiously, try to keep the babies from crawling in recently spewed vomit and medicate, medicate, medicate the boys until we're all well again.

So, my Christmas wish for all you parents out there is: May your children be healthy, may your nights be quiet, may your hearts be happy and may your knuckles be soft and smooth. Peace to all.


Jen said...

Girl, my heart goes out to you. I read your posts and feel like I could have written them myself at different times in my kid-venture.

For your hands, try Aquaphor. There is some that comes in a big jar, and some slightly different formula that comes in a normal lotion tube. I used the lotion tube kind when I was in my frequent diaper change days. The only problem is the slime factor -- it takes a good deal of rubbing in to absorb. When you only have a minute, try that Aveeno lotion that says something about lasting through hand-washing -- it really seems to. I think it's the kind with the brown cap.

For your car trip, yes, you are insane. How long will that drive be? You are probably a better planer than I am, but based on a particularly hellish car trip we took when our kids were 9 months and not quite 3, I advise you to place cloth diapers under their bottoms in their car seats. And also pack about 30 more cloth diapers, as well as plastic trash bags to line their seats for when they inevitably vomit and/or overflow diaper contents onto their carseats.

I know you are not whining, but I swear to you, it gets so much easier.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Unknown said...

I've been there on the Pink Eye and the cracked knuckles. Super glue will seal those cracks and won't wash off with soap and water.

Just a tried a true tip that works for me all winter long.