Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mindfully mindless

I have to have my wits about me. Is Dylan near anything that he shouldn't put in his mouth? What is Neil climbing on now? Why is Evan crying? Is he sleepy, hungry?

Pacing the house from one child to the next. Lifting and caressing, laying down and kissing. My back hurts and I'm bruised. Some of them are sleeping so what can I do until they wake up? I'm so tired of doing the dishes, doing laundry. What can I do for me?


What was that? Someone crying. What now? Guess they're ok now.

What can I do for me? Maybe I can watch a show but it's boring.

Maybe I can. . .who is awake? How long until I have to go in there and get them? Is it dinner time?

Running out of time for me. The evening madness is soon to begin. Dinner, baths, storytime. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow for me.

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