Sunday, June 10, 2007

Star Sisters

As we sat around the pool talking and listening to one another, I paused to enjoy it. We're here together again and it feels great. Like planets in a galaxy, we each have our own orbits that take us on our individual paths but we always reunite when our orbits reconnect. I find myself wishing we could be together more often because it's so good but it's ok. I trust the fact that the heavens will bring us back together.

Our lives are very different. One of us is preparing to take one of life's biggest steps by marrying the man she loves; one lovingly yet sadly is accepting her son's departure to far away lands as he pushes for success yet struggles with life choices he has to face; one is enjoying her prime as she embraces her aspirations and those of her husband's, lovingly supporting one another; another is struggling to shed feelings of despair and exhaustion as she tries to be more than she is to her darling babes. Two new faces joined us and each brought with them their stories and blessed the night with their vitality. We shared ourselves and served one another with laughter, humility and love. As we drank in the beauty of the night, the coolness of the water, we bonded yet again and sprinkled each other with our moon dust and merriment.

My girls. My friends. My sisters of the stars. May our orbits always find each other.

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