Friday, March 7, 2008

Play by Play

Neil steals toy from Evan.
Evan cries.
Neil asks me what he did.
Dylan cries for some reason.
Evan comes to find me. Wants held.
Neil tries to hand me a ball.
Evan whines.
Neil wants me to watch him.
Dylan climbs in chair.
Evan whines.
I take a brief break to hold Evan.
Evan wants a tortilla.
"Caterpillar" toy making noise.
Neil throws football.
Evan is in play room now.
Neil is in living room now.
Dylan is in chair playing with caterpillar.
Nothing changes for one minute.
Evan now in living room.
Dylan has Neil's foot ball.
Neil is working on filling his diaper.
Evan wants another tortilla.
Dylan tries to play with Neil.
Neil pushes Dylan.
I intervene.
Dylan wants tortilla.
Neil is playing with new toy.
Neil stole Dylan's tortilla.
Gave Dylan a new tortilla.
Evan wants another one.
and so on.
All this happened in about 4-5 minutes at the most - a fraction of my day made up of an average of 13 working hours (i.e., when they're awake) or 780 minutes.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

Gosh, that made me tired just reading it. Kids keep so busy.