Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stomach virus 101

How can one possibly be prepared for a stomach bug? You can't. Not really. There are things that can be helpful though. Here are some things I've learned after previous experiences of 3 puking children and 2 puking parents. We learned these things the hard way and continue to add to our repertoire of barf-flinching strategies. If you have any to suggest, we'd love to hear them!

(By the way, if you're faint of heart, you may need your own barf bag to read this.)

1) You can't ever have enough: clean towels, sheets, and mattress covers. After our last round of barfing babes, my mom came to our rescue when we ran out of clean mattress covers. Like a Red Cross helicopter dropping in emergency supplies, my mom flung 3 brand new covers on our porch as she ran, fleeing, the virus that had knocked all 5 of us down. Thanks to her help then we're better prepared for future rounds of vomit.

2) Trash bag ready for chunky, vomit clothes. Ok, this is gross but I find this helpful. When juggling several kids while at least one is throwing up last night's dinner, you can't always get to the laundry fast. Thankfully, we have a utility room where I can isolate the ick. As experienced moms know, there are various degrees of vomit-soiled linens and clothes - liquid and solid. In order to prevent the chunks from littering the floor and everything it touches, I throw the chunky stuff in a trash bag so that I can then carry it to the trash when I don't have babies dancing around my feet. Of course, I don't throw it away - I just shake it out before I throw it in the wash. The stuff only stained with liquid junk can be thrown in the wash sooner.

3) Finally, it helps to have on reserve those items that send you running to the store such as Pedialyte (or equivalent), crackers, and a bottle of wine for you at the end of the night.

4) Hand sanitizer for cleaning and lotion for all the many cracks your hand will develop from all the ridiculous hand washing you'll be doing.

5) A healthy dose of acceptance of the situation, patience and pats on your back as well as theirs is incredibly helpful too.

Perhaps after this recent round of ralphing I'll have new ideas. Until then, I'm trying to take it one barf at a time.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

Oh, I've been there. I feel for you, I really do. I've been thrown up on, I've slept in it, etc. The joys of motherhood! The worst though, is definitely when YOU get it on top of everything else. That's when it all falls apart.

I'm sending healthy vibes your way, hoping you guys feel better soon!